Blank Stare is about how I’ve changed into a new person, but I still act the same for the people around me. I used to be this happy kid but I grew up a little different.sometimes I pretend to still be the person, I pretend that I’m ok where I am right now. But I’m getting tired of putting up with things that piss me off.
At my place of work, everyday I’m finding new people who I just can’t stand. I no longer care about doing my job to the best of my ability, I’m just over it. But I need money to pay the bills, pay for my guitar and singing lessons (have I mention I was taking lessons), pay for my living expenses and holidays.
I wear this fake smile pretty much the majority of time I’m at work, just not when I’m with my work friends. I don’t want to do it anymore. I want to do something I enjoy, which is songwriting, but I can’t do that until I’m better at the guitar.
I wrote the lyrics to show that it’s like we are two different people. She’s the old me, the mask I try to keep in place. The lies we tell are when we say we’re fine, or sure I’d love to your stupid job for you. My blank stare is my resting face, or my resting, evil, bitch face as my friends like to call it. It’s the face I have when I’m not trying to be anyone else, not trying to fake some sort of emotion. I generally don’t like to show emotions.
It’s getting harder to keep up the facade.