I Am The Rose

Red Rose is about how bad I am at being open and sharing myself with others. Any relationship I have will not work out until I’ve learned how to fix that.

I have my defences and I use them to keep people at arm’s length. Just like a rose. Their defence is their thorns. It’s supposed to keep things from getting too close.

I am the rose. My walls are my defences and they keep people from getting to know the real me. I’m too afraid to share anything personal, even little things.

I once had a guy ask me if I was religious and I immediately decided I didn’t want to be with this guy. Like that was too much of a personal question. I spoke with my friends about this and they didn’t see the problem. So it must be my issue.

I have shared more personal things here with you guys than I have with almost anyone else. I don’t know how it’s different but it just feels like it is. Maybe it’s because I have never met you and will probably never meet you, and you’ll probably never see me. It makes this kind of impersonal way of sharing personal things, I guess.

On here, I am dethorned (is that a word?) and I have no walls. Here, I am honest, more so than I ever remember being in real life. You get to see the real me. I hope you like her?


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