Tag Archives: Eating Disorders

Healthy vs Thin

Normal was written a few years ago when, I was a young teenager, and peer pressure was at its peak. It’s about eating disorders. I didn’t suffer from one per se but I did feel the need to be thinner, so I restricted my food intake. Not enough to miss meals, except breakfast, because I knew people would notice if I did that, but I didn’t snack.

Although, I did try to think up ways that I could skip a meal. To which, thankfully, I had no success. And I never could stick my fingers down my throat to lose weight that way.

In the lyrics I wrote, it started out like the person was a drug addict and people wanted them to go to a rehab. You think they’re trying to fix themselves. But then you realise that it’s an eating disorder addiction they think they are trying to get better by losing weight. That losing weight is getting better.

It’s not my best work, but I like the meaning behind it. There’s a difference between healthy and thin.
